Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 an Exciting Beginning

The new year has been interesting so far.
Linda, Kevin and I spent New Year's Eve dancing and partying at the neighbors house until midnight when we all celebrated the beginning of the new year. We counted down the last few seconds along with lots of friends and neighbors. Once the celebrating ended we walked the few feet back to our house and slept until around 9:30.
Linda was the first to awaken and as she was turning off the christmas lights she looked out the front door and noticed that her car was not in the driveway. She yelled for me and I quickly got up and dressed before walking outside to make sure the car wasn't around the corner or even just parked somewhere close.
Well, we finally realized that it had been stolen and quickly called the police. They arrived a few minutes later and we gave them a discription of the car and explained that the last time we saw it was around 12:30 on New Years Eve. He put out a call to the other officers in town and finished taking our report.
After he left I took my bike out for a cruize and just drove around looking for the car. I came back home after about 45 minutes and tried to explin to Linda that everything will be OK and if they dont recover the car we will have to find a way of purchasing another one. She called the insurance company and explained the situation and they told her that they have to wait two days to see if they find the car before they can do anything.
Linda was feeling kind of depressed so I just told her that we should just go get some lunch and wait to see what happnes. The police told us that they would keep looking for the car. Linda and I rode my bike to Tommy's and had just ordered lunch and sat down to eat. I took maybe two bites and she had just eaten a bit of her lunch when she got a call from the police saying that they found her car. She quickly jumped up and threw her lunch in the trash as I tried to take one more bite out of my Chili burger. She was running out the door as I followed trying to wipe chili from my face.
We arrived at the scene and they had already taken the two guys off to jail and the same officer that took our report was standing there next to her car waiting for us. Kevin had already gotten there and was talking with the police when we arrived. The officer explained that they caught the guys driving around town and they gave up without even a chase. They just pulled over when the cops drove up behind them and gave up.
So to make a long story short. Linda got her car back and there was nothing even wrong with it. The had a key that they used to start the car and even the money that was on the console was still there. Nothing had been taken or destroyed. I guess they just wanted to take a joy ride or something. Stupid yound kids.
The reason I say they were stupid is because of these coupel of questons......

Why would you steal a car and then drive around in the same town where you stole it?
Dont you think someone would notice the big "Benot4gotten" Sticker on the back window?
Why would anyone steal a PT cruizer?

So it did turn out to be a "Happy New Year" after all. My hat is off to the La Habra police dept. for their quick response and recovery of her car and thaks to God for answering Linda's prayers.

Hopefully the rest of the year will be better and less stressful.

We want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. May you all be happy and may all your wishes come true.


April said...

Geeezz...that must be scary. I think I will freak out if I find out my car is stolen. This is a new year resolution. Clean out the garage and park the car in it. Don't park in the oustide anymore. And you are right, cruising around the same neighborhood is stupid. They were probably drunk when they did it. Did you ever find out what happened to those two kids? are they teenagers who live in the same neighborhood? Just curious.

Happy New Year.

The Richardsons said...

Wow, April is right about that resolution :) It looks like the Lord is taking special care of all our family this new year!

April said...

No new blog?